This is the holiday season for a lot of weight gain, and our first subject is the trick or treat type.
First- you don’t need to buy candy for the holiday. If you are like me you haven’t purchased the candy for Halloween yet, but that is a good thing. There are a lot of things you can put in kids bags that are not candy — small toys like nerf balls, or small action figures. None of them have any calories – and all of them work well for you and the kids. And if you have any left over they will keep for next year!
Second: If you are set on buying some candy for the kids– get something that you don’t like to eat, so when you are done for the night, you are not tempted to eat it. For some of us this is more of an issue because I love just about all candy that is out there – but there are some that I really like. Avoid those (for me that would be M and M’s). We all have different tastes — find something you don’t like. If it is too late– then pass out the stuff you really like first, and pass out a lot of it. My favorite trick– I give the smallest kids the most candy of the good stuff.
If you have kids and are taking them around- have them eat some dinner first. Worst thing is to send a kid out with an empty stomach and unlimited candy.
The night is over – and you have candy left — throw it out. Really! Get rid of it. All food goes to waste or waist – you get to choose. You don’t have to bring it to the office, you don’t have to keep it at home. If the excuse is that it is for the kids, or grand children- well, do they need that?
If you have some candy- balance it. Have something good to eat with it- like an apple, then the candy. That way you help to balance out the candy with something that will last you a little longer.
Finally remember this: it is a lot easier to put on weight than it is to take it off. Most of the candy that is given out for Halloween isn’t as good as some fine chocolate, or some fine candy. Think before you eat it — is this really worth it? Is what you want now so good that it is worth the weight it will be putting on? That bite size Snickers will take you an hour to work off– you willing to do that? If you are going to have a chocolate moment- then have some great chocolate.
Always eat slowly, mindfully, and remember– this is just a silly holiday- so enjoy it, and once it is done put it away.
What is your best Halloween tip to keep the weight off?