How and Where Do You Start, When You Want to Shop Healthy?
Wanting to get healthy – and starting to change your lifestyle starts in the kitchen, but before you go to the kitchen you have to shop. Here is the simple trick:
Pretend you live in 1492, and you are illiterate. So when you shop, if you recognize it you will buy it.
So given you cannot read, or look at a box and find something you like- think of fresh food – you can smell it, you can touch it. Your senses tell you if it is spoiled, ripe, or not ready to consume.
That is the food you should be buying in the grocery store.
Contrast that with foods you shouldn’t get in the grocery store:
There are a few things you should think about. They had oatmeal – but it was not rolled oats, it was steel cut oats.
They had bread, but it was not white bread- it was bread that had a lot of grain to it.
So shop like that- if you want juice- you have to make it.
Go shopping- find out the great stuff they have- and start taking your health back!