When Dr. Kent Brantly became ill he called his wife from Liberia to say “goodbye.” Dr. Brantly received an experimental drug and began to improve- and then he was brought to the US, first stop : Atlanta.
Many have said that we should not bring home patients with Ebola, that it is too dangerous. Such thinking is out of fear and ignorance – and we addressed five reasons to bring Ebola sufferers back home to the US, previously.
Today Dr. Brantly will be able to hug his kids and his wife. Dr. Brantly will be discharged home.
But what is more important is we have now used an experimental treatment, and are closer to developing a treatment for this deadly virus. If you fear the virus, then study it- learn your enemy. We have, and the more we do the closer we are to making this virus a page of history instead of a plague for the world.