The world has seen the marks on Olympian Michael Phelps – signs of cupping, but don’t be fooled, there is a secret that no one wants you to know about this ancient practice. So we asked an expert about it. Dr. Kapeed Arapoch, a physician who has helped thousands of gold winners.
“What no one tells you is the testicular cupping. You don’t see those but if you really want to get the benefit of the toxins removed then you do like this and have the cups placed on the testicles to draw out the impurities.”
Why the testicles?
“They are the seed of the soul, and the body. Once cupping is done there we have reduced pain elsewhere. Come in after a work out or practice and feel sore and stiff and we apply the testicular cups and they no longer feel the pain. Come in anything but first and we plan extra sessions. It is amazing how fast Phelps swam after that. He also complains less.”
So why the cups on the back and sides?
“Oh, those are just reminders to the body to remove toxins, and if we have not removed enough, which we can tell by performance, then they are applied to the testicles and the anus. We get excellent results.”
There you have it – testicular cupping. As much bs as regular cupping. Proof that if you spend too much time on athletics and not enough time learning to be skeptical you too can have your testicles in a vice.