This week Evo lost 4.5 pounds of fat. He did gain some water weight and some muscle mass (sausage and beer are good for you).
Fat mass is what we want to lose on any diet. The scale may have stayed the same, but his fat mass, which we measure at each visit, has decreased and this is the stuff that causes the problems- not just cosmetically, but inside.
Sometimes a doctor should know better: last week, while in Mexico I had a bad clam. Now the clam was in the version of clamato that has fresh clam, shrimp, octopus, clamato juice, and beer. What is the point? Well, that diet worked well- but if I were on the Evo diet, and just had a beer- I would not have spent a day in front of the toilet. Bottom line- beer is highly processed, filtered, and far more healthy than many drinks you can obtain (including bottled water) from many sources.
Bottom line ( I say that a lot because for most people they want to lose weight from their bottom – I could say belly line for some of us) – as with most “diets” you can and will lose some weight. Evo is doing this under my care – which means we are keeping him out of trouble.