Culinary Medicine

Food For Thought: Mediterranean Diet & Memory

The ability to have an early intervention – a diet intervention, to delay onset of cognitive decline is a priority for all, but to do it with a diet as lovely as this?

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Facebook Skin Cancer Reminds: Use Sunscreen

Sun is a preventable form of cancer. It is radiation to your skin. Use of sunscreen, especially in young people is critical.

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Your Prescription Will Cost You $84,000

The pill to treat hepatitis C , Sovaldi, costs $84,000 for a 12-week course, or about $1000 per pill. Why is that price so high?

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Measles Causes More Deaths

Measles vaccine protects against other deadly diseases. Measles suppresses the immune system leading to deaths after developing the disease. The vaccine protects against this.

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Men’s Beards and Poop

Beards don’t contain the same exact bacteria as in your toilet. In fact, among healthcare workers – beards are a healthy thing.

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Eat Late – Gain Weight

Those late night snacks lead to more calories and if you add that ice cream daily, it can lead to twenty or thirty pounds per year. Eating late at night and over eating can be explained by not having the sense of satiety as during the day.

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Chipotle’s Hypocrisy and Pandering to Anti Science

Chipotle is pandering to the anti-science while still selling food that is prone to food borne illness and obesity. Chipotle is serving up hypocrisy with a bowl full of calories.

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Listeria: How does it grow in Ice Cream?

Listeria is a deadly food borne illness, causing death in about 1/3 of the patients it infects. Five questions answered about this deadly outbreak including – how on earth does it survive in ice cream?

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Productivity in a Pill: The Lie That Kills

Use of amphetamines, and prescription drugs like Adderall to improve performance in jobs or with athletes leads to increasing emergency room visits. The bad news, it doesn’t really improve performance – it is an illusion.

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