Culinary Medicine

Why US Healthcare Costs More

Why do we have healthcare inflation in the United States? Because of price, not because of quality – because of prices. The ability of national systems to negotiate with drug companies, device makers, and hospitals has driven health care costs down. The effect of this is that other countries can afford to cover everyone, without high deductibles.

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PCB and Fishing

PCB’s and the state of our seafood: years after PCBs were banned from manufacture, they continue to contaminate our waterways, and sources of fish. While levels of PCBs have been decreasing, the impact of PCBs on people is substantial.

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Fish Farms: A Solution or A Problem

The rise of fish farms provides the ability to feed a hungry planet. But the issues with fish farms can be negative to the environment. Some solutions are available and discussed.

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Overfishing: Our Oceans are in Danger, What You Can Do

Overfishing and fishery collapse has been going on for over 100 years. It is reaching a critical point with poorly managed fisheries. If no changes are made, by 2048 all Native fisheries will collapse. Here is a list of fish to avoid, and what you can do to insure the fish you buy were obtained in a sustainable, responsible manner.

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Fish and Mercury: Causes, Symptoms, Fish you Can Eat

Environmental mercury is threatening our food supply from fish. This article shows how mercury gets into the seafood, and what seafoods can be safely eaten.

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Obamacare hits 7.1 million: Good News and Bad News

There is good news and bad news about increasing coverage of health care. Here are the simple facts of Obama-care and where we should go next with our system.

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Tree Pollens in Phoenix

February, March, and April are the major tree allergy months in Phoenix- and our highest allergy months of the year. Here are a few of the trees that bother us- and why. Knowing the daily allergy levels allows you to know when to start taking antihistamines, as well as when to stop, or if the day is heavy to consider taking other medications such as inhaled steroids.

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Big Pharma: Direct to Consumer Marketing is Unethical

It is time to end direct to consumer advertising of prescription drugs by Big Pharma. It serves no purpose but to drive up drug costs to the US. It is also time to allow importation of “like” drugs from Canada and Europe.

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Chef Graham Elliot: Why His Weight Loss Will Work

Chef Graham Elliot underwent gastric sleeve surgery for weight loss. In the first year having lost over 120 pounds, here is a bit about the surgery he had, and why he will succeed.

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