eating healthy

Why I Hate Chicken Breast

The American favorite diet food, boneless and skinless chicken breast – it is almost as flavorful as cardboard – almost. It is overcooked and abused so often. Your mouth just called me and wants an intervention – stop eating it.

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Heart Attack City: Risks and Prevention

Metabolic Syndrome increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and shortens lifespan. The incidence increases with age, lack of activity, and obesity. You can prevent it.

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5 of the Biggest Weight Loss Myths

Here are five myths about weight loss. You think Peanut Butter and yogurt are good? You think potatoes are bad? Think again. Dr. Terry Simpson debunks 5 of the biggest myths about losing weight.

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10 Best Weight Loss Tips: Real Lifestyle Changes

The ten best tips for weight loss. Every week I am asked to place patients on a physician monitored weight loss program. They ask what to eat- and what I am interested in is them changing their lifestyle.

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Timing of Meals: Cure for Obesity?

Does when you eat affect your weight gain? It does in mice- apparently if mice are restricted to eating over 12 hours they don’t gain the weight of mice that eat the same amount over a longer period of time. How can this help you? Well, if you are a mouse….

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Heroin vs. Over Eating: Which is Harder to Kick?

There is a high level of weight regain after diets. Dieting is a multi-billion dollar industry that peddles more hope than weight loss. Is the 95% return of lost weight that was reported half a century ago still the same in light lifestyle modifications with modern drugs, exercise, psychological support, and understanding of the microbiome and evolutionary biology?

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Childhood Obesity, Food Insecurity, and Cooking

Food insecurity breeds obesity by allowing the view that having some extra weight is healthy. The most basic of all insecurities is overcome with obesity. Leading to an endless cycle of obesity this can be combated not by surgery, but by availability of fresh foods, and teaching people how to cook.

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Mail Order Diet Food

Mail order food from diet companies does not encourage weight loss. Once people stop ordering the expensive food weight comes back on. Better to learn to make the food in your kitchen and enjoy better food.

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Eating Organic Food Does Not Decrease Incidence of Cancer

Organic foods offer no benefit to prevent cancer, in fact there is a small rise in breast cancer among those women who reported eating organic foods.

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